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A school where pupils reside for the whole term, only going home during holidays.


This page covers the basics and commonly asked questions on using this site.

The basics

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You can view pretty much all pages directly using the navigation bars at the top of the page. The top bar links to each category while the bottom bar links to the topics within the current category.

Most pages also include direct links to relevant calculators, reviews and tests via 'boxes' at the top of the page and/or the page's right hand column.

Frequently asked questions

Is the site independent?

Yes. It is wholly owned and funded by Justin Modray. Justin also co-owns Candid Financial Advice, an independent financial adviser, but that is a seperate busines to Candid Money. We're proud and very protective of Candid Money's independence and intend to keep it that way.

How is the site funded?

The site is run and funded by Justin Modray to ensure ot remains 100% impartial.