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Want to know how much might your savings be worth in future?
Saving for something special? Find out how much you might need to save to reach a target amount.
Ever wondered how long might you need to save to reach a target sum?
What rate of interest would you need to earn to reach a target sum?
Could inflation be eating away at your savings?
How much would something bought in the past would cost in today's terms?
Want to know the Annual Equivalent Rate for savings interest?
Might you be better off with a fixed or variable rate savings account?
How much extra money could you make by switching your savings account?
What rate of return have you earned on your Premium Bonds to date?
How long will it take to clear your card making just minimum payments?
How much interest might you end up paying on your credit card?
Could you save £'s by transferring your credit card balance to another card?
How much might monthly mortgage payments cost you?
How much could you save by switching to another mortgage?
Could paying a bit extra on your mortgage repay it far quicker?
How big a mortgage might you be able to afford?
Could a fixed or variable rate mortgage leave you better off?
How much might you be able to afford to borrow?
How much might loan payments cost you and what's the total interest?
Want to know the Annual Percentage Rate on a loan?
Would you be better off switching to another loan?
How much might overdraft interest end up costing you?
How much might using a cheaper credit card PPI quote save you?
Will mortgage payment protection insurance cost you an arm and a leg?
How much might using a cheaper loan PPI quote save you?
How long might it take you to repay your student loan?
Want to to know the true value of the gold in your jewellery?
How much might your savings be worth in future?
How much might you need to save to reach a target sum?
How long might you need to save for to reach a target sum?
To what extent do fund charges affect your potential investment return?
Want to compare the extent of charges on one fund versus another?
What's the total annual return on a bond if held until redemption?
Could investing in a protected plan leave you better off than a tracker?
What yield are you getting on your rental property?
How much might total property purchase costs mount up to?
Find out how much your property value has changed based on average price movments in your area.
How have currency movements affected your overseas investments?
At what age might you be able to afford to retire?
Want to know how much income you might retire on?
Might you be better or worse off if you delay taking your pension?
Might you be better or worse off if you delay taking your state pension?
How much more might one pension cost you over another?
Which annuity might be the better option, level or index-linked?
Could inflation leave you a pauper in future?
Want to know the average life expectancy for someone of your age?
Want to estimate the likelihood of passing away before a given age?
How much life insurance might you need?
Could your weight affect your health insurance premiums?
How much should be insuring your home contents for?
How much might it cost to bring up a child?
How does your child's pocket money compares to yours when you were young?
What might your child's Child Trust Fund be worth when they're 18?
What might your child's Junior ISA be worth when they're 18?
How much in total might sending your child to a private school cost you?
Can you afford to send your child to a private school?
Want to know how much tax you might pay on your salary or pension?
Self-employed and want to know how much tax you might pay?
Want to know how much tax you might have to pay on any gains you've made?
What inheritance tax bill might you leave behind when you pass away?
Want to know how much VAT you'll pay on an item?
How much tax can be reclaimed on charitable contributions?
How much stamp duty might you pay when buying property or shares?
How does your income compare to the national averages?
How much tax do you pay for 'vices' like drinking and smoking?
Who gets what from a litre of fuel?